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Phoenix GuardianR Pro HEPA System 4031350-1 DefendAir  DOP Stage 2 HEPA 500 Pre-Filter (4pk) SKU F415 DefendAir HEPA 500 Filter SKU F321S
Phoenix GuardianR Pro HEPA System 4031350-1
List Price: $1,192.00
Our Price: $1,192.00
The Phoenix GuardianR Pro HEPA System is the most compact, portable, True HEPA air filtration device made. Its energy-efficient rotomold design is durable, lightweight and stackable DefendAir DOP Stage 2 HEPA 500 Pre-Filter 4 pack
Gives the DefendAir® HEPA 500 first-pass filtration efficiency
HEPA 500 Filter
DefendAir Activated Carbon Filter SKU F397S DefendAir First Stage Pre-Filter SKU F270S DefendAir Second Stage Pre-Filter SKU F271S
DefendAir Activated Carbon Filter
Filter upgrade boosts HEPA 500 functionality
DefendAir First Stage Pre-Filter
Restore your DefendAir airmover to maximum capacity
DefendAir Second Stage Pre-Filter
Renew your DefendAir airscrubbers